
“Meditation is witnessing. To meditate means to become a witness. It is not a technique, it’s just witnessing”. Osho


Meditation, any kind of meditation, when it is practiced regularly, can lead to  a progressive state of  mental relaxation, increasing calm, stability and inner harmony, it can expand you consciousness to the point of experiencing your inner self.

Most of the meditation methods I use and propose, belong to the vision of the Indian Master Osho. These are usually divided in 3 or 4 phases, each of them defined with different music. The caratheristic of the Osho meditations is the activity, that means that during at least one of these 4 phases the body will be moving, like dancing, shaking, jumping, breathig fast and else. This makes Osho’s meditations uniqe and different comparing to other classic meditation techniques, when we usually are sitting or still in silence during the whole meditation.  We live in a Western society where life goes faster and faster every day,  so starting from this activation we are used to, it becomes easier to reach our inner calm and stillness.

Meditation techniques are several and each of us can find their own meditation. Other techniques include visualization and imagination, together with breathing.

Le tecniche di meditazione sono diverse e ciascuno di noi può trovare affinità con una tecnica piuttosto che un’altra. Altre tecniche meditative che utilizzo, si basano sulla visualizzazione e l’immaginazione, sempre integrate con la respirazione. Queste possono essere utilizzate per portare calma, pace interiore e rilassamento mentale, e, in un contesto più specifico, per manifestare ed attrarre ciò che desideriamo nella nostra vita.

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03 March 2019
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